Our operational activities in Cameroon’s protected areas are listed below.
1) Environmental Protection through Research and Conservation
- Studying the ecology and behaviour of chimpanzees
- Monitoring the population dynamics of monkeys
- Studying human-wildlife interaction
- Mapping abundance and distribution of pangolins
- Conducting inventory on the abundance and distribution of herbivores
- Verifying birdlife
- Characterizing non-timber forest products
- Determining plant composition, structure, and diversity
2) Environmental Education
- Conservation awareness in forest communities on sustainable natural resource exploitation practices
- Behavioural change campaigns to discourage bush-meat consumption in communities around protected areas
- Installation of conservation education posters, billboards, and boundary signposts in communities around protected areas
3) Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Improvement
- Poultry, piggery, apiculture, and fish farming
- Sustainable land-use practices
- Food security
4) Capacity Building On
- Novel camera trapping technique in monitoring wildlife
- Global positioning systems (GPS) in monitoring wildlife in our targeted protected areas