
PRACOND has been involved in several research and conservation projects in Kom-Wum Forest Reserve, North-West Region, Cameroon, since 2018 with funding from the Rufford Foundation, the International Foundation for Science (IFS), and Idea Wild.

The Kom-Wum Chimpanzee and Pangolin Conservation Project (KOMCHIMPANGO)

The “KOMCHIMPANGO ” project aims to protect the populations of chimpanzees and pangolins in Kom-Wum Forest Reserve against illegal wild meat hunting, bushmeat consumption, and human-wildlife conflict. This project is implemented through research, law enforcement, livelihood improvement, and conservation education using a community-based approach in the North-West Region of Cameroon.

Pangolins in Kom-Wum Forest Reserve @ Chefor Fotang


1) Past projects in Kom-Wum Forest Reserve 

  • NICAMNOR Chimpanzee Project (completed)
  • Ecology and Behaviour of Nigeria – Cameroon Chimpanzee Funded by the Rufford Foundation and the International Foundation for Science (IFS) (completed).
  • Human-Chimpanzee Interaction and Habitat Suitability of  Nigeria – Cameroon Chimpanzee Funded by the Rufford Foundation (completed).
  • Fruit Availability and Dietary Ecology of Nigeria – Cameroon Chimpanzee Funded by the Rufford Foundation (completed).

2. Ongoing  projects in Kom-Wum Forest Reserve

  • Strengthening Chimpanzee Conservation through Law Enforcement, Livelihood Improvement, and Conservation Education Funded by the Rufford Foundation

Creating conservation awareness in  communities around the Kom-Wum Forest Reserve

Conducting bee farming training workshops with farmers and hunters in communities around the Kom-Wum Forest Reserve

Planting educational signboards in communities around the Kom-Wum Forest Reserve


  • Plant Diversity, Ant Availability, and Conservation Status of Wild Nigeria – Cameroon Chimpanzee Funded by the International Foundation for Science (IFS).
  • Estimating Abundance and Threats to Pangolins in Kom-Wum Forest Reserve With Support from Idea Wild.


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